Deep Sky
Astrology School
ближайший старт
Tatiana Kalinina
August 19, 2023
“1. Introduction
Astrology is an ancient science that studies the influence of celestial bodies on human destiny. In recent decades, there have been significant developments in the field of astrology, especially due to scientific advances in the study of deep space. Objects beyond the solar system, such as comets, stars, globular clusters and constellations, have become important elements in the interpretation of horoscopes. They allow astrologers to gain a more detailed understanding of a person’s destiny and life path. Next we will look at how these objects can affect a horoscope, using the example of Indira Gandhi.
2: Deep Space Objects in Astrology
А. Comets
Comets are among the most enigmatic objects in astrology. Their unique trajectories and ignitions can indicate important life changes.
Б. Stars
Stars are an integral part of horoscopes. Since ancient times they have been associated with a person’s destiny and character.
В. Globular clusters
Globular clusters are groups of ancient stars whose influence in horoscopes has not been studied very long, but they can provide valuable information.
Г. Constellations
Constellations are groups of stars that form definite figures in the sky. They carry special significance in astrology and help interpret horoscopes.
Д. Asterisms
Asterisms are small groups of stars that are not official constellations but may also have astrological significance.
3. Indira Gandhi Horoscope
А. The major positions of the planets
Indira Gandhi’s horoscope is a classic example to study. In this horoscope, the rising sign is Cancer and the planet Saturn is in the first house. The second house contains Mars, Sun and Mercury, the fifth house contains Venus and Rahu, Moon is placed in the sixth house, Jupiter in the seventh house and the eleventh house is left empty.
Б. Analysis of ninth house
The ninth house in Indira Gandhi’s horoscope contains a comet which indicates the important role of her father in her life and destiny. Her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the Prime Minister of India and contributed significantly to the country’s independence from British rule.
В. Comets and other deep space objects in the horoscope
A comet in the ninth house of Indira Gandhi’s horoscope symbolizes that her father was an unusual and talented personality. The influence of such a comet indicates that Idira Gandhi may have inherited her father’s profession, which is exactly what happened.
4- Features of Indira Gandhi’s horoscope
А. Influence of comet in the ninth house
Comet in the ninth house indicates the special role of the father in Indira Gandhi’s life as a historical figure and her professional mentor. It also hints that Indira Gandhi could have been part of a professional dynasty.
Б. Influence of the star Antares
An interesting fact is that Mercury in Indira Gandhi’s horoscope exactly coincides with the star Antares in the constellation Scorpio. Antares has the character of Mars and is associated with doom, danger and assassination.
В. Analyzing the conjunction of Rahu with the star
The conjunction of Rahu with a star in the constellation of Sagittarius, known as the “Bow of Sagittarius”, enhances the propensity for danger and courage, which also reflects the character of Indira Gandhi. Her karmic task associated with Rahu involved risky ventures with no guarantee of positive results.
5. Analyzing the events in Indira Gandhi’s life
А. Losses of loved ones
Indira Gandhi’s life was marked by tragic events, including the deaths of both her sons. The eldest son, Sanjay Gandhi, died in a plane crash, which was predicted by the period of Saturn in her horoscope. The second son, Rajiv Gandhi, was killed in a terrorist attack, which occurred during the Mercury ruling period.
Б. Political career
Indira Gandhi continued her father’s political dynasty by also becoming the Prime Minister of India. Her horoscope indicates many crises and losses, especially during the periods ruled by Saturn. These periods brought her not only political problems but also personal tragedies such as the death of her children and her own violent death.
By analyzing Indira Gandhi’s horoscope using deep space objects, one can see additional, unexpected aspects of her destiny that would not have been apparent using only classical astrological tools.”
“6. Saturn period
The period of Saturn proved to be an extremely important and crisis period in Indira Gandhi’s life. Saturn occupied the first position in her horoscope, being the master of the eighth house, indicating the presence of crises and difficulties. During the period of Saturn, Indira Gandhi faced a series of setbacks. She lost her son and lost her political position, which eventually led to her assassination. That being said, Saturn itself was not a direct indication of her son’s death. However, if we look at the horoscope of D7, which is responsible for the second child, we can see that the seventh house lord moved into the twelfth house under aspects to Rahu and Mars. These aspects were strongly afflicting this house, which led to the Saturn period causing the death of her second son.
7. Mercury and its influence
Mercury in Indira Gandhi’s horoscope also played a significant role, especially in events related to her children. Mercury was the master of the twelfth house and was in the fifth house, which is the house of children. Moreover, Mercury was conjunct the major star Antares, which is interpreted as a star that brings doom, danger and death. An interesting fact is that Mercury was Putra Karaka in her horoscope, that is, the planet responsible for her children. Indira Gandhi had two sons and both of them took an active part in political life, continuing the dynasty. However, both sons died: Sanjay Gandhi died in a plane crash in 1980 and Rajiv Gandhi died from a terrorist attack in 1991. These events occurred during periods dominated by Mercury, confirming its influence in her horoscope.
8. Conclusion
Indira Gandhi’s horoscope is a prime example of how deep space objects and classical planets can detail a person’s destiny. Both Saturn period and Mercury positions played an important role in her horoscope. Saturn brought crises and losses into her life, and Mercury’s influence, especially when combined with the unfavorable aspect of Antares, led to tragic events involving her children. The analysis of her horoscope shows that a person’s destiny can be detailed and predetermined both before his birth and after his death, which confirms the theory about the existence of a certain matrix of destiny.”
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