Deep Sky
Astrology School
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“1. Introduction
Today we continue our series of articles on planets in astrology. In this article we will discuss one of the most mystical and significant planets, Rahu. How to interpret it in the natal chart, what it symbolizes, and how its influence can manifest in a person’s life. We will consider the nature of Rahu, its role in karmic tasks, mythological roots and influence on various aspects of life. This information will be useful for both beginners and experienced astrologers.
2. Planet Rahu in Astrology
A. General Characteristics
Rahu cannot be called a planet in the astronomical sense, but for simplification and systematization in astrology it is sometimes called so. In Western astrology Rahu is known as the north lunar node, whereas in Vedic astrology Rahu is treated as a planet in its own right. It shows the karmic task of a person, the sphere where he will exert the most effort. The interests and ambitions of a person are often connected with the location of Rahu in the natal chart.
B. Karmic task
There are many interpretations of the karmic task, and each school of astrology may interpret it differently. In our school, the karmic task is perceived as a concentration of energy in a certain area of life, which makes events in that area inevitable. This is the area where a person puts the most effort, where their ambitions, dreams, and even greed are centered. The zodiac sign and house in which Rahu is located indicates the karmic task.
3. Mythology and Symbolism of Rahu
A. Origin and Myth
To understand the character and nature of Rahu, it is important to refer to mythology. Rahu is symbolized as the head of a demon who, wishing to acquire immortality, tried to drink all the ambrosia meant for the gods. However, he was spotted and killed, beheaded. Despite this, Rahu remained alive thanks to the drink of immortality that had entered his body. Rahu’s head and body, named Ketu, are considered as a pair, although in this article we are discussing only Rahu. This myth symbolizes the irrepressible desires, greed and ambition peculiar to this planet.
4. Location and Influence of Rahu in different houses
A. Characteristics depending on the house
The location of Rahu in different houses of the natal chart indicates the areas of life where the karmic task and ambitions of the person will manifest. For example, Rahu in the fifth house may indicate a desire to have many children or to be very successful in creative endeavors. Rahu in the seventh house often indicates marriage to a foreigner or ambitions in partnerships.
B. Examples of placements and their meanings
– Rahu in the fifth house: desire to have many children or success in creative endeavors.
– Rahu in the seventh house: ambition in marriage or partnership, possible marriage to a foreigner.
– Rahu in the ninth house: interest in various religions and spiritual practices.
– Rahu in the twelfth house: desire for solitude and spiritual practices, search for inner peace.
5. Rahu’s influence on personal ambitions and desires
A. Relation to desires and ambition
Rahu is directly related to a person’s desires and ambition. This planetary indicator reflects aspirations that often go beyond logic and common sense. People with strong Rahu in their chart have irrepressible desires and ambitions in various spheres of life, be it money, status, spiritual development or personal relationships.
B. Examples of manifestations in life
The manifestations of Rahu can be very diverse and multifaceted:
– A person may desire wealth and material prosperity.
– A desire to have many children or to create a strong family.
– Interest in various spiritual practices and religions.
– Ambition in the professional sphere and a desire for innovation.
– Search for solitude and relaxation, desire for spiritual growth.
Rahu has the ability to draw a person into a certain area of life and make it the center of his interests and efforts. Depending on the location, it can give favorable or unfavorable results, affecting material achievements, status and general life prospects.”
“6. Influence of Rahu on personal ambitions and desires
Rahu has a strong influence on personal ambitions and desires of a person. It represents the source of irrepressible desires, greed and avarice. Being in the horoscope, Rahu shows an area of life where a person’s energy is concentrated so intensely that events in this area become inevitable. It can be ambition, which attracts a person and pushes him to illogical actions to satisfy his desires.
Examples of Rahu’s manifestations in life may be different depending on the location of the planet in the horoscope:
– Rahu in the fifth house: the desire to have many children.
– Rahu in the seventh house: desire for multiple partners or for an effective partnership, for an ideal marriage.
– Rahu in ninth house: interest in different religions and spiritual practices, desire to try different spiritual techniques.
– Rahu in the twelfth house: desire for solitude and rest.
Thus, Rahu draws us into different spheres of life where we will strive to achieve what we want without sharing it with others.
7. Material and spiritual fruits from Rahu
Rahu positioned favorably in the horoscope can bring significant material and spiritual fruits. It provides opportunities for success in various fields:
– Material gains: property, real estate, money, stocks, status.
– Spiritual fruits: opportunity for development and achievement in spiritual practices.
Rahu also promotes innovation and visionaryism. A person with a strongly manifested Rahu in his horoscope may be talented in envisioning the future and introducing new ideas. This gives him the ability to look ahead and actively participate in innovation processes, which is very much in demand in our society.
8. Rahu and Health
Rahu also has an impact on one’s health, especially artificial body parts and certain diseases.
– Artificial body parts: hearing aid, artificial arm or leg, dentures and others.
– Diseases: Rahu indicates fever, high temperature and infections. Diseases associated with Rahu can be extensive and dangerous, such as intestinal infections and blood infections.
Despite possible negative manifestations, most often Rahu shows favorable results in the horoscope, indicating important material or spiritual achievements.
9. Rahu in the professional sphere
Professional activities associated with Rahu cover a wide spectrum:
– Chemists: working in laboratories, researching bacteria and viruses.
– Media and TV journalism: cameramen, editors, television and film industry workers.
Rahu rules the movie industry, and planets in conjunction with Rahu can indicate involvement in TV shows or movie projects. For example, Venus in conjunction with Rahu indicates opportunities in movies, as was the case with the famous Indian actress Aishwarya Rai, who participated in many films.
10. Social Function of Rahu
Rahu’s social function is to support innovation and experimentation. It stimulates:
– Introduction of new ideas and technologies.
– Cultural exchange and borrowing.
– Widespread dissemination and popularization of ideas.
Rahu plays an important role in the development of society, helping to bring the new and progressive into our culture.
11. Rahu’s influence on marriage
Rahu situated in the seventh house or otherwise associated with marriage indicates unorthodox marriages. These may be:
– Marriages to foreigners or people from other cultures.
– Marriages involving overcoming cultural differences.
In large countries with many nationalities, spouses may have different cultural backgrounds despite being citizens of the same country. Rahu can suggest situations where two cultures will need to be combined in one family, which can cause both enrichment and resistance.
Depending on the state of Rahu, it can indicate different types of marriages:
– Strong Rahu: a successful and status marriage.
– Medium Rahu: a marriage with some difficulties and overcoming cultural differences.
– Weak Rahu: marriage with a problematic partner, up to and including marriage to an outcast or criminal.
Thus, Rahu plays an important role in determining the nature of marriage and the trials and achievements associated with it.”
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