Deep Sky
Astrology School
ближайший старт
Tatiana Kalinina
May 8, 2024
“1. Introduction
The inauguration of the Russian president is an event that influences the fate of the country for the next six years, until the end of the presidential term. This analysis examines the events and trends that may occur in Russia according to the horoscope of Vladimir Putin’s inauguration on May 7, 2024. Using astrological methods, the main periods and their impact on both domestic and foreign policy of the country are analyzed.
2. Astrological analysis of the inauguration
A. Overview of the Inauguration Horoscope
The inauguration horoscope gives us an insight into the fate of the country for the immediate term of the president. The major events will unfold up to 2030. Exalted Sun and favorable events in the ninth house of the horoscope indicate significant changes within the country. Moon in nakshatra ketu shows potential financial changes till June 2024.
B. Economic Changes through June 2024
Ketu in the second house indicates potential diminishing karma and slippage in the economy of the country till June 2024. This could mean temporary financial difficulties and reduced resources.
3. Inauguration horoscope periods
A. Venus Period (June through September 2024)
From June to September 2024 will begin the period of Venus, which is located in the ninth house and favorably influences the foreign policy of the country. During this period, successes in diplomatic relations are expected and important agreements may be reached at the international level.
B. Sun Period (Fall 2024-January 2025)
From fall 2024 to January 2025, the country will be in the Sun period, which may bring administrative successes. The Sun is exalted, indicating a strengthening of the Russian government’s position and possibly an improvement in the country’s reputation in the international arena.
B. Moon period (through March 2026)
Until March 2026, the Moon rules the period. It is located in the house of diplomacy and foreign policy, indicating active foreign policy actions and possible cooperation with foreign partners. The Moon is also associated with travels of business and diplomatic nature, which will turn out to be successful.
4. Significant Events of 2026
A. Mars Period (March through July 2026)
From March 1, 2026 to July 9, 2026, the period of Mars in the eighth house of crises will begin. This indicates possible military tension and significant upheaval for the country, which may occur unexpectedly. Eighth house energy favors sudden changes and military operations are possible during this period.
B. Rahu Period (July 2026-June 2027)
From July 9, 2026 to June 1, 2027, the period of Rahu, which is also in the eighth house, will begin. This time can be associated with stressful and crisis situations. However, Rahu also indicates an opportunity to find allies and attract investment, especially from eastern partners. This is a period of struggle for financial resources and investments.
5. Jupiter and Saturn periods (June 2027 – March 2029)
A. Jupiter’s influence on power (June 2027 – March 2028)
From June 2027 to March 2028 is the period of Jupiter in fall in the tenth house of power. This position of Jupiter may indicate possible attempts to shift power or coups. Despite this, in the horoscope of the president himself, Jupiter retains power and authority, suggesting that Putin’s political position is stable.
B. Saturn and Possible Referendums (March 2028-March 2029)
March 2028 through March 2029 is the beginning of the Saturn period. Saturn in the seventh house indicates a disturbance of peace and causes popular activism. This period can be a time of referendums and other important political changes within the country. Saturn also warns of possible economic difficulties and the search for new financial partners.”
“6. Mercury Period (March 2029 – January 2030)
The Mercury period, according to the inauguration horoscope, is a very difficult and critical period for Russia. It lasts from March 2029 to January 2030. In the past, a similar Mercury position has already shown the beginning of the Ukrainian military campaign with great irritating costs and lost investments. This period may repeat the negative scenario, with increased internal and external tensions, as well as economic difficulties.
– Financial Problems: Mercury is traditionally associated with communication, trade and finance. Significant economic difficulties can be expected during this period, possibly with the imposition of new sanctions or other restrictive measures from an international level.
– Military Conflicts: Similar to previous experiences, this period may be marked by increased hostilities or increased spending on defense and military needs.
– Domestic tensions: Mercury in the horoscope of power can also indicate a worsening social and political atmosphere within the country, where internal conflicts and protests are possible.
This time period will be marked by significant challenges and difficulties that will require serious efforts to overcome.
7. Conclusion
Analyzing the horoscope of Vladimir Putin’s inauguration shows that the period of rule until 2030 will be extremely ambiguous and saturated with both positive and negative events.
– First phase (until March 2026): The beginning of the new presidential term generally looks favorable. The Venus, Sun and Moon periods are highlighted by diplomatic successes and steady development.
– Difficult Years (2026 – 2030): Beginning in March 2026, Russia faces serious challenges. Periods of Mars and Rahu bring military and economic crises. Jupiter and Saturn periods also indicate a high probability of military conflict and internal instability.
– Final Periods: The final Mercury period concludes this difficult time period, probably with new economic and political challenges.
These astrological predictions suggest that the coming years could be extremely challenging for Russia and its citizens. The country will need wise management and strategic decisions to overcome many challenges and strengthen its position both domestically and internationally.”
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