Deep Sky
Astrology School
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Tatiana Kalinina
October 22, 2024
Today, we will discuss the natal chart for Russia for 2025 and briefly for 2026. Although the topic focuses on 2025, to understand the bigger picture, it’s necessary to consider a longer-term perspective. I will analyze the horoscope of this country using the AlphaSpace mobile app, which belongs to our school.
The previous period of Taurus ended in December 2024. This period was associated with a tense foreign policy, that has been described by the ninth house of the horoscope, responsible for diplomatic matters. The Taurus period, ending on December 13, has determined the main events of the past year.
During Taurus, Saturn, Rahu and Moon were in the ninth house indicating great difficulties in relations with other countries until the end of 2024. Additionally, Ketu in the third house pointed to problems with neighbours and travel restrictions, which have been evident in recent years. Mercury and Sun were placed in the first house, symbolizing territorial successes and local achievements. These planets indicated the emergence of disputed territories, which also confirms the current situation.
On December 13, 2024, a new astrological period for Russia will begin and it is the period of Gemini. It has a significant impact on the coming year. It is important to understand what changes await the country in the future and how this will affect its development. The Gemini period will last until September 14, 2025.
With the new period a new arrangement of planets will take place. It is important to note that the ruler of the tenth house will be in the first house, symbolizing the stability of power in the country during this period. Jupiter, ruling the seventh house of peace and war, will take a significant place in the horoscope. It is in a special position that indicates military successes. Jupiter at 21–22 degrees of Gemini forms a conjunction with Sirius, one of the stars traditionally associated with military victories.
The Jupiter period, which began in February 2024, will last until 2040, and during this time we can expect not only one victory, but also several major military successes. From December 13, 2024, to September 14, 2025, Jupiter will favor Russia’s successes in military affairs, although this does not mean peace will come. Ukraine’s horoscope also indicates the continuation of conflict in 2025, with no clear signs of resolution.
Jupiter shows that the ruler of the sixth house is in the tenth house, meaning the continuation of struggles and confrontations. Venus, as the ruler of the twelfth house in the eleventh house, indicates the strengthening of diplomatic ties. The ninth house, responsible for international politics, becomes more stable. Changes in Western policies can be expected, and possibly some easing of sanctions pressure, although significant restrictions will remain.
From Russia’s horoscope, territorial changes are possible in 2025. The ruler of the fourth house, responsible for lands, is in the eighth house of crises. This could indicate territorial losses or temporary concessions in disputed issues. On the other hand, Jupiter’s position suggests that some territories may be legalized in favor of Russia by the end of 2025.
From September 14, 2025, to June 2026, the period will be under the influence of Ketu, which is in the first house. In the country’s horoscope, this may mean sanctions, the recognition of some documents as illegal, and restrictions on citizens’ rights. Ketu often indicates illegal status, which may concern restrictions for Russian citizens on the international stage, as well as continued sanctions against the country.
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